I have other liens or mortgages on my property, can they claim my funds?

Each case is different based on many factors, including which parties are actually named in the foreclosure suit. Surplus Refunds Consulting team will provide you with a detailed overview of your specific case at no cost to you. In many cases, these other liens and mortgages are not named in the foreclosure suit and therefore aren’t entitled to receive any of the surplus funds that you may be entitled to.

Can I collect these funds on my own?

Typically, a motion needs to be filed with the court so that these funds can be collected. In order to do this, you can hire an attorney on your own which is very costly – attorneys typically charge an hourly rate which you will have to pay out-of-pocket, even if they aren’t successful. Alternatively, if you find an attorney that works on contingency, then they will charge a fee as high as 30% or more!

When the claims are more complex in nature, our attorneys need to work diligently to establish you as the rightful recipient of these funds, and to ensure that the court orders a release of these funds by the agency holding them.

By working with HLJ Property Solutions, all of the attorney’s fees and related expenses are completely covered by us. There are zero out-of-pocket expenses that you will incur. And we work strictly on a contingency basis, so we only get paid when/if you get paid! And if we are not able to recover any funds on your behalf, then our services are 100% free of charge!

How much time do I have to collect these funds?

After one year, the funds from your foreclosure sale are sent to the state treasury. They can still be claimed from there but that process is much more complex and takes significantly longer, so we really need to collect them before one year.

The biggest problem isn’t the funds being lost to the county or state, but there are people who watch these cases and if someone doesn’t file for the funds within the first few months they will fraudulently try and collect the funds for themselves. They might even try and sign your name on certain papers in an attempt to claim the funds.

We have worked with homeowners in the past who were victims of fraud and we were able to defeat those fraudulent claims and get the funds disbursed to the homeowners correctly.

Will I pay anything upfront to claim these funds?

If you utilize HLJ Property Solutions, we will never ask you to pay us a dollar out of your pocket. HLJ will advance any and all costs and fees in order to process your claim. We only are paid on the back-end once we have secured the funds on your behalf. This will all be spelled out in your agreement with us.